This is a race I've wanted to do again since my failed attempt a few years ago. I chose the 50km event as a good hit out in my lead up to Wembo 24.
I rocked up to Hidden Vale and was greeted by an awesome day: a perfect race day with temps rising a little over 30deg. Racing the Pursuit 50km meant I got to watch the elites and the full epic riders start. After a bit of pre race warm up I soon came to realise that my race had started with out me. Not an ideal start. The race had started 15min ahead of schedule, although not a massive loss because my time didn't start until I crossed the start line, I did however have a battle over the first few km with traffic. It wasn't until 20km mark until I came across Zack [Target Trek racing Team mate]. I knew that if I had made it back him I should be up at the pointy end. My goal for the race was to crack the 2.5hr mark, so after the road section I decided to make a move on the long climb, hoping to put some time between me and my competition and hopefully catch who ever was in front.
To be perfectly honest I had a really good race, my average was good and nutrition went to plan and I kept pushing all the way through to the finish line. It wasn't until I crossed the line that I realised Dave Whitney was just in front, after some quick calculations by the timing team we were told there were only 35 seconds between us... I was stoked to finish so close to a rider that is known for being a pinner. The end result for me was a race that went to plan, a result I was happy with & a time of 2hr 24min. I managed to get the top spot in the 30-39 cat and a 2nd outright for the 50km.
Thanks to my sponsors: Target Trek Racing team, for my super smooth racing machine; Venture Cycles for keeping my steed dialled in and Rubena for hooking me up with tyres made of glue.